先日から「The cat who saved a Japanese rail line – 日本の鉄道を救ったネコ」を読んでいます。
As stationmaster, one of Tama’s duties was to be the face of the railway and appear in promotional material and media coverage.
She also got paws-on at the station, sometimes greeting passengers from atop a table set up by the ticket gates or from the behind the glass window of her ‘office’ – a converted ticket booth equipped with a litter tray and bed.
タマはまた駅に立ち寄り、時折、改札口に設置されたテーブルの上、もしくは「オフィス」― トイレとベッドを備え付け改造されたチケットブース ― のガラス窓から乗客に挨拶した。
be equipped with「~の設備がある、備え付けてある、備わる」。
Tama was so adored by riders and railway staff that a painted portrait of her was soon commissioned, which now hangs alongside numerous glossy photos of her in Kishi Station’s souvenir shop – where visitors can buy everything from Tama badges and keyrings to Tama-branded candy.
タマは乗客や鉄道スタッフにとても愛されていたので、ほどなく肖像画まで描かれ、それは現在貴志駅の土産物店 ― 訪れたお客はここでタマのバッジやキーホルダー、お菓子を買うことが出来る ― にタマの写真の数々と共に飾られている。
In lieu of a ‘salary’, Tama got all the cat food she needed.
in lieu of~「~に代わる」。
She received a promotion, too: in 2008, she became a ‘super station manager’ and was even knighted by the prefecture’s governor.
In the process, she received a dark blue ceremonial gown with white lace neck ruffles, and thousands of tourists began coming to the small, single-platform station to see her.
とても豪華なガウン、さすが Knight「騎士」ですね。
タマは女の子ですから英語での敬称はサー(Sir)ではなく、デイム (Dame)・タマ。